Five reasons to consider fitting wheelchair lifts

30 December 2019
 Categories: Business, Blog


How accessible are your premises? If your home or business premises is spread across multiple levels and regularly needs to be accessed by people who rely on wheelchairs for their mobility then installing wheelchair lifts is probably going to be your best option. Here are the top five reasons that people choose to install wheelchair lifts.

Increased independence

No-one likes to be permanently dependent upon others and installing wheelchair lifts is a great way of helping wheelchair users to maintain their independence. Instead of waiting for someone to be available to carry their chair up or downstairs wheelchair users can now transport themselves to whichever floor they desire without inconveniencing anyone else.

Increased safety

While many people do not mind helping to carry a wheelchair up or down stairs it is rarely the best option. When a wheelchair is being tilted to move it on stairs there is always the risk of injury to both the occupant of the chair and the people doing the carrying. Fitting wheelchair lifts is not only more dignified it is also a safer option for everyone involved.

Increased comfort

Wheelchair lifts can be installed almost anywhere and avoid the need to carry a wheelchair or to transfer out of the chair to make the journey upstairs. By allowing the journey between floors to be completed unaided, wheelchair lifts are able to improve the quality of peoples lives and increase their confidence and comfort.

Increased value

A properly installed wheelchair lift should enjoy a long service life and be able to help you move around for many years to come. If you are concerned about installing a wheelchair lift because you are unsure how long you will be staying at a property then it's important to remember that a wheelchair lift is an investment and that even if you don't get to use the lift for an extended period of time the lift can raise the value of your property so you are not going to lose your investment.

Easy installation

Sometimes property owners can be deterred from installing wheelchair lifts because they believe that they are either impractical in their location or that the installation will be complicated. When you work with an experienced installation team those objections can be easily overcome. Wheelchair lifts can be fitted almost anywhere. They can even be placed outdoors if you have steps leading up to your property. A qualified installation team will be able to fit your new lift rapidly meaning that you will soon be able to start enjoying your wheelchair lift and gaining confidence as you move around your property unaided.