How to Create a Uniform That Complements Your Workforce

22 February 2022
 Categories: Business, Blog


Are you running a workplace that's uniform-free? While some employees may love the daily task of choosing what they wear to work, others could easily resent it. A workplace with no uniform can also lack a sense of unity. No uniform may also mean that your brand's identity gets lost. And as it's easy to misinterpret dress codes, some employees may report to work dressed inappropriately. If you do decide to add a uniform to your workplace, here's how to create one that complements it.

Appropriate Materials

The types of materials that work well in a high-end salon may not necessarily complement a busy restaurant. While one should prioritise looking clean and fresh, you also need to focus on outfits that are easy to wash. When choosing a material for your uniform, address the practicality issues that come with it. To ensure that employees always look pristine, you may want to focus on outfits that don't require much ironing. Additionally, if your employees spend a lot of time moving around, focus on materials that are elasticated rather than those that don't stretch much.

Cuts for All Seasons

Although you may feel as though a turtleneck looks enticing during the winter months, is it likely to work during the summer? Wherever possible, choose uniform staples that are cut for all seasons. Polo necks and casual t-shirts work well for a lot of settings. If your employees are likely to operate in cold conditions during some parts of the year, you can always add in items such as sweaters later.

Colours You Can Work With

When considering a colour palette for your uniform, try selecting two or three colours that you can work with. Consider colours that you would commonly associate with your brand. For example, if you work in a healthcare setting, then you may prefer various shades of blue. You might also want to focus on a palette that could match anything else your employees might wear. This is particularly important when you're issuing tops but giving them the chance to wear their own bottoms.

Other Practicality Concerns

Will your workforce need to make dynamic movements suddenly, or are they operating in an environment where there's a high risk of fire? When finalising your workwear, make sure it allows employees to respond to emergency situations. To ensure that the workwear continues to be relevant to your employees' role, you should also seek feedback on its practicalities as time goes on.